In this section, Jesus teaches about the stewardships entrusted to all men. He gives the parable of the Unrighteous Steward.
First, we must keep in mind the context of this teaching. Christ is teaching about the Kingdom, a new thing starting. He is teaching about its divisiveness, the individuality of faith, and the ready reception of sinners. Now he is teaching about stewardship.
In the story of the unrighteous steward, we see an example of how people in the world know how to take care of themselves. The master is impressed by the shrewd dealings of the unrighteous steward.
The parable is a bit of a strange one, so it's helpful that the Lord makes some application of the parable afterwards. We should consider the application and apply it to our own lives.
First, we should consider that God has given each of us a stewardship. Each of us has been given a body and life in this world. Each of us will give an account of the deeds done in this body. At the least, in light of this, we ought to take care of our physical bodies.
Next, consider that each of us has been given an area of responsibility. All that we possess is really just a stewardship from the Lord. Those of us who are parents have special areas of great responsibility in our children. If we have jobs, that is a stewardship. Our relationships with others, such as friends and co-workers give us spheres of influence that are to be used carefully.
Here are four things to keep in mind in order to be faithful stewards of what God has given to us:
1. Use the things of this world to make friends. Be generous with what God has given you. Show love and appreciation within the realm of your responsibility. Don't bury your stewardship in the ground. Use what God has entrusted you with for the good of others, particularly fellow believers.
2. There is nothing insignificant in the stewardship. We must be faithful in all things, even the small things. In order to develop habits of faithfulness, it is critical to develop and establish faithfulness in the small things of life.
3. We can't compartmentalize our lives. We can't act like the world in some areas of our lives and act like Christians in others. You must think spiritually about your job, your housework, etc. These things have a direct correlation to your spiritual well-being. And, bring your "secular" problems to the Lord!
4. You cannot love God and the world. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot live a life focused on immediate gratification while maintaining a view for eternal things.
Note finally, that even in our failings, the Lord will get the glory. He will restore us and put us back on the path, telling us to get going again. Start afresh and start now! Put these things into practice!
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