Sunday, January 23, 2011

Luke Part 27: Marks of Wisdom

Text: Luke 7:31-35

In the last post, this passage was discussed and it was noted that Christ is the wisdom of God. Wisdom is found by those that know Christ. In this post, we will take a further look at the marks of wisdom. This is a sort of checklist answering the question, "What does wisdom look like?"

Wisdom is one of God's communicable attributes. God gives it to us. All wisdom begins at conversion -- note that we have no Biblical examples of an unbeliever being described as wise. Wisdom comes from meditating on God's Word and wisdom is proven by experience, by applying the Word in our lives and seeing how God is faithful to perform what He has promised.

Wisdom is never proud. Knowledge without wisdom puffs up, but wisdom produces humility, not pride.

James 3:13-17 contains a discussion that describes the characteristics of true wisdom. This "wisdom from above" is given by God and is contrasted with the earthly, natural, demonic wisdom that works strife and discord.

The wisdom from above in James has the following marks. It is:

  • Pure - It is unmixed, not divided. It is not partially our wisdom and partially God's wisdom. Rather, it is all from above. God has done it all; He is the wellspring of life and wisdom.
  • Peaceable - To be "peaceable" does not mean to be tied up in knots worrying about possibly offending anyone. It is not being inactive or withdrawing from society like a mountaintop guru. To be peaceable is to be actively maintaining the peace that God has placed among the brethren. The peaceable person is also promoting peace between God and man -- he is sharing the gospel with the world around him. He is known as a reconciler; he is one who helps people overcome their differences.
  • Gentle - This word also means "considerate". A person with wisdom refuses to think the worst of other people. He makes allowances for others, considering that we are all imperfect.
  • Reasonable - easy to be entreated. This person is open to persuasion. He is open to other people's ideas. He can listen to others without condemning them. Rather than being opinionated, he has convictions.
  • Full of mercy - forgiving. Forgiving others whether they ask forgiveness or not. He has a desire to relieve suffering and never rejoices in another's misfortune.
  • Full of good fruit - wisdom is productive, it accomplishes something. The man of wisdom is the best neighbor/employee/father/husband he can be. This wisdom has results in outward living.
  • Unwavering - or, without partiality. The wise man will always do the right thing, without being swayed by circumstances or people.
  • Without hypocrisy - The wise man is exactly what he seems to be. He is never hiding something. Hypocrisy is banished when we put our masks away and are real with each other.
These characteristics are perfectly embodied in Christ!

Remember that God wants His children to be wise, and that He gives wisdom to all who ask. If we are His children, we shall prove the wisdom of God!

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